Review of the artistic work of the interdisciplinary artist Małgorzata Sienkiewicz-Karczmarzyk:
“Małgorzata Sienkiewicz-Karczmarzyk and the hybrid of the new being in the aspect of social identity and the inclination of the big ‘I’ “ Małgorzata Sienkiewicz-Karczmarzyk has built and created her stage Alter-Egos in public space. Each character is a different personality, temperament, intellect, sensitivity.
Arpena, Zoya, Dorozja – though a change of identity, she builds within herself an activation of a new character who breaks through the previous patterns, esthetics, tastes. The entire outline of this psychological demonstration illustrates the essence of her narrative, the binding force of art and the canon of her rhetoric.
While observing the artists’ growth and evolution, I have paid attention to her permanent drawing for inspiration in darkness, pain. An evident and obvious element of her inspiration is the impact of art by Zdzisław Beksiński. It is very essential for me because, in darkness too, as an author, I see a gateway of transition from pain into the light. This therapy of transition is a form of Freudian opening oneself in the self-analysis. The interlocutor, the work born of and erected from pain, becomes our therapist. Going further we notice a different discourse – understanding one’s own consciousness. In this way art creates another, pure identity, another form of a creative and holistically growing human being.

Małgorzata Sienkiewicz-Karczmarzyk – a Polish interdisciplinary artist, combining artistic work with her scientific and didactic activities. Lecturer, painter, photographer, performer, pedagogue, Rotarian, social activist, trainer, model writer, educator.
Internet website:

Author of over 50 publications, the subject matter of which is connected with pedagogy, education by art, artistic education, childrens’ paintings, painters’ dialogues, art semiotics, visual communication, media education, emancipation in art. Had around 50 exhibitions in Poland and abroad. Conducted art workshops in: Poland, Sweden, Turkey, Germany, Ireland, the USA, Ukraine and Portugal. In her artistic-research work she attempts to combine the conceptual apparatus of art and science, proving that these areas are only seemingly distant from each other.


She adores travels to ethnic places. To quote herself on thi matter: “Other cultures, scents, religions are coming back with me, impacting my work and how I create. Those tiny elements of the recognizable world that surrounds us construct that which I wish to express in words or through paintings and images.”


She co-operated with multiple organizations, both cultural and educational, realizing interdisciplinary projects or organizing artistic-didactic workshops in co-operation with:

  • Młodzieżowe Centrum Profilaktyki Matarnia, 1995
  • Teatr Minimuzyczny, 1999
  • Maybe Theatre Company, 1999-200
  • Teatr Wybrzeże, 2002
  • Odyseja Umysłu, 2004/05
  • Pałac Opatów w Oliwie, since 2014
  • Stowarzyszenie Rotary Gdynia Orłowo, since 2016
  • Centrum Edukacji Nauczycieli, since 2016
  • Cantrum Tutorów UG, since 2016
  • Uniwersytet Pedagogiczny w Krakowie, since 2016
  • Stowarzyszenie Solidarności Globalnej, 2018
  • Międzynarodowe Stowarzyszenie Wychowania przez Sztukę, since 2006, Polskie Stowarzyszenie Pedagogiczne, since 2011
  • Rotary Art. Fellowship, since 2019 and universities in Europe and in the world: Brema University – Germany
  • Linkoping University – Sweden
  • St. Mary;s university College – Belfast
  • Ondokuz Mayis University – Turkey
  • Babayan Culture House – Turkey
  • Escola Superior de Educacao de Lisbona – Portugal
  • Arkadia University – USA
  • University in Kirowograd – Ukraine


Since 2016 she ahs been realizing a pedagogical-artistic project entitled “Dialogi wizualno-werbalne” which is about simultaneous painting with selected people. To her dialogues she invites people of different professions from Poland and from all over the world. The dialogues are a continuation of her pedagogical interventions based on a dialogue of varied participants taking up the challenge of common painting, creating, negotiating a given space. The idea came form the subject matter explored by her theoretically. Both her book publications on the image-based dialogue between the child and the parent, communication through art, and her pedagogical interventions in partnership with the audience, realized in Krakow (2016), Warsaw (2017), Poznań (2020) and in Sopot (2017) are about exploring this unusual and original scope of communication with others.




  • Stypendium dla twórców kultury, granted by Marszałek Województwa Pomorskiego – 2016, 2018
  • Medal Komisji Edukacji Narodowej za szczególne osiągnięcia w zakresie edukacji i wychowania – 2019
  • Złoty Medal za najlepszą prezentację o tematyce artystyczno-pedagogicznej, Conference in Fraktfurt – 2018
  • Nagroda w kategorii działalność artystyczno-naukowa, Kobieta skuteczna, 2020.
error: Wszystkie prawa zastrzeżone. BALDAGON RAS