Vision of Life

The structure of understanding, the words of the awakened: "to be born" means "to die." The foundation of being the one who looks through your eyes is the rejection of everything in order to connect with your own essence.

Once, I had to name myself to feel important. However, in 2017, my social identity shattered, and I rejected the form that interpreted me in life. I stopped naming myself because I realized that everything I had created in my life was tied to an inner search for happiness. Now I know that happiness is something different from living in the creation of more and losing oneself in materialism.

What I have experienced on the level of soul, emotions, physicality, and psyche led me to a moment where I recognized the nature of my own existence. For about two years, I had no idea what had happened. While reading and exploring knowledge, I came across similar cases from around the world. These people claimed that they had awakened from sleep, that they had become enlightened. I realized I had experienced the same thing they had. It was such a deep empirical and spiritual experience that this process is beyond description in words. My ego structure shattered in great pain. Everything I am writing about led me to this place where I am now.

System of Consciousness Transformation

The system I have created is an initiative aimed at globally building awareness – from awakening to enlightenment. I create a space for education and personal development, enabling a deeper insight into oneself and a profound transformation. The rebirth of "two breaths": the first signifies coming into the world, and the second, leaving it. They symbolize the cycle of life and consciousness, and understanding this cycle aids in personal transformation. My mission is to support people on their path to harmonious development – physical, mental, and spiritual. The system is holistic, combining various disciplines into a cohesive whole. I assist in discovering the inner "great self."

Social Mission

I am the author of an interactive program. My thoughts and sayings come from my soul. Throughout my life, I have accumulated a monumental amount of them, and now I wish to share them with the world. The gift I received from above is why I intend to give it back to the world as a high-vibration, consciousness-raising message. Let my philosophy of freedom and awakening spread throughout the world, creating a masterpiece out of every human existence.
Sompeah chhmor,
Baldagon Ras
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